Finding My Voice: A Young Man’s Journey in Empowerment – Teng Ma’s Story

Teng Ma, a 24-year-old farmer from Choam Ksant district, Preah Vihear province in Cambodia, has a heart dedicated to his family. For ten years, he has lived with his sister, supporting her by caring for his two young nephews and nieces while she works hard to provide for them.

Teng Ma’s own education ended in 7th grade when he chose to help with his family’s farm. Traditionally, household chores weren’t typically shared by men. However, living with his sister sparked a change within him. He embraced his role, not only caring for the children but also contributing to household chores and farm work.

A turning point came four months ago when Teng Ma participated in ADRA’s TOGETHER project. This initiative organized village discussion groups, one specifically for young men like himself. Here, Teng Ma explored crucial topics like puberty, decision-making, and sexual and reproductive health rights. These discussions fostered a safe space for open communication, equipping him with valuable knowledge and helping the group feel comfortable talking to each other.

ADRA’s Impact

Yes, Teng Ma emphatically acknowledges the positive impact of ADRA. Through the group discussions, he gained valuable knowledge about reproductive and sexual health, empowered himself to make informed decisions, and built strong relationships with his peers. He highlights the importance of learning about these issues, particularly within a supportive and encouraging environment. Teng Ma expressed, “Through ADRA’s group discussions, I have gained invaluable knowledge about reproductive and sexual health that I didn’t have before.” “One of the greatest benefits of being part of ADRA is the strong relationships I’ve built with my peers.”, he added.

A Ripple Effect of Change

Teng Ma isn’t alone in his positive transformation. He observes a shift within the entire youth group. Previously hesitant to address sensitive topics, members are now actively participating and even sharing their newfound knowledge with others. This ripple effect demonstrates the project’s success in fostering a more open and informed community.

Teng Ma’s story exemplifies the power of education and support in empowering young men. His journey is an inspiration for others to embrace personal growth and contribute to a healthier and more informed community.

ADRA Cambodia is implementing the “uniting TOwards Gender Equality for enjoyment of women’s and girls’ Total HEalth and Rights” (TOGETHER) project with generous support from Global Affairs Canada. Supported by ADRA Canada, SickKids and Salanga, this gender-transformative 6-year project will ensure that nearly two hundred thousand girls, women, boys, and men in Cambodia, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda are enabled to exercise their health-related human rights.