Our Projects

Health Projects


Kompong Thom, Preah Vihear and Stung Treng Province, September 2021 – August 2027

Increased enjoyment of health-related rights by the most marginalized adolescent girls, women and U5 children with intersecting identities in indigenous, remote or resettlement settings in Kompong Thom, Preah Vihear and Stung Treng provinces of Cambodia.
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Pursat Province, July 2019 – June 2024

Improved family financial security and well-being for poor and vulnerable households in Bakan District, Pursat Province, Cambodia

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Adventist Community Services (ACS) / Total Member Involvement

The Adventist Community Services/ Total Member Involvement project works throughout Cambodia within 36 church and school groups from June 2019 until December 2022.

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Kompong Thom Province, February 2020 – January 2023

The project ultimate outcome is Improved nutrition for 20,000 household members (11,250 females), particularly Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) and boys and girls under-2 in the target villages of Baray-Santuk Operational District of Kompong Thom Province.

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Food Security Projects


Pursat Province, January 2019 – December 2023

This project aims to increase net income from the sale of produce, and grow the rural economy; reduce poverty, and improve household resilience through a market led and value chain approach. Learn more.


Pursat Province, January 2024 – November 2024

The project objective is to introduce and promote vermicomposting business techniques in the Pursat province of Cambodia to improve waste management, soil fertility, agriculture productivity, and environmental conservation for local farmers and business entrepreneurs.   Learn more.


Kompong Thom Province, May 2023 – December 2023

The objectives of the project are to A) build local Community capacity and structures to use local data to define, monitor, and adapt actions towards positive change and B) design, implement, and monitor local community development action plans in a participatory values-based manner.   Learn more.

Education Projects

Jombok Hoas

Preah Vihear Province

Jombok Hoas is a non-profit facility operated since 2004 by ADRA Cambodia. Situated in the dense forests, Jombok Hoas was created to give Cambodians an opportunity for increasing various life skills through Adventure learning.

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Kravanh District, Kondieng District and suburb of Pursat town, Pursat Province, January 2023 – December 2025

Improved community, economic and learning environments for poor and vulnerable Reflect Circle (RC) members and their families in Kandieng district, Kravahn District and rural villages around Pursat Town, Pursat Province, Cambodia.
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Beungbot Kandol Commune, Bakan District, Pursat Province, September 2014 – August 2024

Improved community, economic and learning environments for poor and preschools, vulnerable Reflect Circle (RC) members and households in Beungbot Kandol commune, Bakan district, Pursat Province, Cambodia.
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Chhouk Ksach commune and Baray commune, Baray District, Kampong Thom province, February 2013 – December 2023

The project aims to enable children under six years to obtain a better foundation to peruse good quality education.
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Disaster Management Projects


Snam Preas, Beungbot Kandol, Meteuk, Ou Tapoung, and Svay Donkeo communes, Pursat Province, April 2024 – December 2024

The objectives of the project are to A) Improved DRR capacity of local leaders (Risk Management including Preparation, Response, and Restore) used in community planning by aligning with the government structure and support system in the national and sub-national manner, and B) DRR resilient infrastructure is installed to protect vulnerable populations safety and livelihood well-being. Learn more.

Connections/Volunteer Group Projects

ADRA Connections: Building cafeteria for school feeding/education – Sahmyook Foods

Kravanh district, Pursat Provinces, 1 August 2023 to 1 October 2023

Volunteers from Sahmyook Foods were planned as a complement to the PCS program. This group of volunteers aimed to improve the quality of life for poor families in rural Kravanh district so that they can have access to education and nutrition.   Learn more.

WASH Projects

More information about WASH Projects coming soon.