About ADRA
Our Purpose
To serve humanity so all may live as God intended.
Our Motto
Justice. Compassion. Love.
What We Do
We are the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—part of the 20-million strong Adventist community, with hundreds of thousands of churches globally and the world’s largest integrated healthcare and education network.
We deliver relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 118 countries—regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association.
By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, we are able to deliver culturally relevant programs and build local capability for sustainable change.
Where we work
As a network, ADRA touches millions of lives in more than 118 countries around the world, including here in Cambodia. Our on-the-ground approach allows immediate assistance in times of crisis and true partnership with the communities we serve.
Financial information
Our most recent financial information and reporting is available to access through our Annual Report. All Annual Reports are available to view through issuu online here.
Sustainable Development Goals
ADRA’s holistic integrated approach to programming is consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in that we aim to bring a collective focus to the way we contribute to greater wellbeing in the lives of the women, men, and children we serve.
This concept of wellbeing is the cornerstone of ADRA’s work. We believe that people have been created to thrive in the plurality of their dimensions – physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual – and that wellbeing constitutes the process of living these out to the full. By empowering others to live their lives fully and attain the goals they value, they become capable to pass on that same empowerment to others, thus establishing transformative change in the wellbeing of people and communities for the long term.
Through community-based programming, ADRA seeks to establish this holistic wellbeing. This involves designing and implementing sustainable, community-led projects that support each of the 17 SDGs, with three of those being core to the collective work of ADRA: SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), and SDG 4 (Quality Education). Thanks to our unique network structure, we at ADRA are not only able to report individual project impact on any given SDG but are also committed to recording our network-wide collective impact through these three core SDGs most relevant to us.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Partnerships & Donors
ADRA’s mission is to serve humanity so all may live as God intended. To reach a world in need as effectively as possible, we pursue strong, equitable relationships with community-based and grassroots organizations to ensure that our work directly impacts those who need it most.
We also rely on the invaluable partnerships with governmental and nongovernmental partners—on all levels—to foster lasting change in the countries we work.
Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)
Cambodia Community Finance Institution Network (CCFIN)
Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Cambodian Ministry of Rural Development
Cooperation Committee for Cambodian (CCC)
CHABDAI (Christians Working Together to End Sexual Abuse and Traffic)
Lifestyle Medicine Institute (LMC)
MEDiCAM (organization of MEDical NGOs In Cambodia)
M’day Reakreay Kone Reakreay (MRKR)
National Education Partnership (NEP)
Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company