ADRA’s purpose is to serve humanity so all may live as God intended. This is only possible with your partnership. You have served millions of men, women, and children through your support of ADRA, and your impact is felt across more than 118 countries.
ADRA’s holistic programming approach to health includes mental, physical and spiritual well-being. This approach includes ensuring that the determinants of health are addressed sufficiently in working with communities so they can survive and thrive. Key to this is ensuring that households and communities, particularly women, have access to clean water and sanitation, adequate and nutritious foods, and adequate and timely health care services. Psychosocial care is also important. It is equally important to focus on promoting healthy lifestyles by working with people to impart knowledge and create behavior change on in areas such as hygiene, healthy diets, exercise and abstinence from substance abuse.

Education is key to most of ADRA’s programs for both adults and children. Programs have specifically focused on ensuring that adults have the basic literacy and numeracy skills to be able to adapt and learn as economics and social time change. Participatory methods such as Reflect2 have been used to expand local community members’ opportunities to learn. Key areas of learning have included how to increase family income, the dangers of human trafficking and the importance safe migration, and how to be a better parent. Primary and early childhood education opportunities are supported where libraries and school buildings were constructed with ongoing support to teachers and students.
Food Security
Starting with support for rice production and water supply, families have been supported with access to high quality seeds/inputs and introduced to methods of farming that provide greater yields, often learning from one another rather than externally. Through programs, people have learned to grow better vegetable gardens, make money from fruit trees, fish farms and to raise livestock. Besides being a core part of community nutrition programs, food security projects have integrated adult literacy, technical agriculture skills, small business management, small loans and community co-operative groups.

ADRA builds capacity of community partners in technical construction and hygiene promotion methods with a focus on sustainable change and investment. Technology and behavior change strategies have been improved through supporting households to install over 7000 open ring and bored wells, 5000 water collection tanks and pumps, and several community dams. Improved sanitation has resulted in the construction of over 6000 quality water sealed latrines, and has complimented families learning the importance of hygiene and being able to access clean water for drinking and washing.
Disaster Management
ADRA Cambodia’s National Emergency Response Plan and systems ensures that ADRA Cambodia and its provincial network of teams and partners are prepared to respond quickly and effectively. Utilizing network resources, ADRA Cambodia is able to respond immediately with interventions including food, shelter, water and other essential non-food items to meet urgent needs.

ADRA Connections/Volunteer Groups
Connections group trips are arranged with partner ADRA offices as small projects that support the goals and objectives of larger sustainable projects, filling gaps that the current project does not meet. Every trip has lots of opportunities for interaction between the community members and volunteers, resulting in an appreciation for each other, good memories and sometimes lasting friendships. Each group does that fundraising for their own projects. Activities that the groups can participate include: Learning through play building child shelters, latrines, water tanks and playgrounds, well, Preschool, Teacher trainings, supporting schools and preschools, Environment campaign, Home gardening, Conducting kid’s clubs, and cooking demonstrations, and more.