Food Security

We're fighting for food security

Starting with support for rice production and water supply, families have been supported with access to high quality seeds/inputs and introduced to methods of farming that provide greater yields, often learning from one another rather than externally. Through programs, people have learned to grow better vegetable gardens, make money from fruit trees, fish farms and to raise livestock. Besides being a core part of community nutrition programs, food security projects have integrated adult literacy, technical agriculture skills, small business management, small loans and community co-operative groups.

Food Security Projects


Pursat Province, January 2019 – December 2023

This project aims to increase net income from the sale of produce, and grow the rural economy; reduce poverty, and improve household resilience through a market led and value chain approach. Learn more.


Pursat Province, January 2024 – November 2024

The project objective is to introduce and promote vermicomposting business techniques in the Pursat province of Cambodia to improve waste management, soil fertility, agriculture productivity, and environmental conservation for local farmers and business entrepreneurs.   Learn more.


Kompong Thom Province, May 2023 – December 2023

The objectives of the project are to A) build local Community capacity and structures to use local data to define, monitor, and adapt actions towards positive change and B) design, implement, and monitor local community development action plans in a participatory values-based manner.   Learn more.