ADRA Cambodia Hosts Menstrual Hygiene Management Recognition Event

ADRA Cambodia collaborates with School Health Department of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Preah Vihear Provincial Education Department, District Education Department and local authorities to recognize and promote  “menstrual hygiene management implementation that reached as model school” while raising awareness of health, menstrual hygiene and environment.

PREAH VIHEAR, July 27, 2023 – Members of ADRA Cambodia’s TOGETHER project team, in collaboration with School Health Department of MoEYS, Preah Vihear Provincial Education Department, District Education Department and local authorities, conducted an event to recognize and promote menstrual hygiene management implementation for two middle schools in Rovieng district of Preah Vihear Province on July 27th, 2023. The two middle schools that have met the criteria as model schools on menstrual hygiene management implementation are Rattanak and Reab Roy middle schools in Rovieng District. 172 participants (112 females) joined the event.

This event was part of the Promote School-based, Girl-centred Inclusive, Safe, Confidential and Environment Sensitive Management of Menstrual Hygiene initiatve. This would support adolescent girls for Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and their ability to participate in daily life during menstruation. The project has worked with MOEYs to develop a policy/criteria for girl-centred, inclusive, safe, confidential and environment sensitive Menstrual Hygiene Management model schools.

The event also raised awareness of women and girls’ rights by highlighting the work with Program Coordination Committee and school cluster leaders to reinforce the model school’s criteria using Information, Education and Communications materials, monitoring and evaluation according to MOEYs’ guidelines.

ADRA Cambodia is implementing the “uniting TOwards Gender Equality for enjoyment of women’s and girls’ Total HEalth and Rights” (TOGETHER) project thanks to generous funding from the Government of Canada. Supported by ADRA Canada, SickKids, and Salanga, this gender-transformative 6-year project will ensure that nearly 200,000 girls, women, boys, and men in Cambodia, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda are enabled to exercise their health-related human rights.