ARISE Project: Announcement

In partnership with Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Czech Republic and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia

Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) Project Launch

June 30, 2023, Pursat province, Cambodia – ADRA is pleased to announce the official launch of Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) Project which is funded by Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Czech Republic with support from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. With the total funds of USD 113,800, ARISE will be implemented in Pursat province of Cambodia from April 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

The objectives of the project are to A) Improved capacity of local leaders in disaster risk reduction (risk management, including preparedness, response and recovery) in community planning through alignment with government structure and support system at national and sub-national levels and B) Installation of DRR-resilient infrastructure to protect the safety and well-being of vulnerable populations. The project works alongside ADRA Cambodia’s Best CHOICES (Best Community Household Opportunities through Improved Community Empowered Solutions) project in the western part of Cambodia.  The provincial project team works with the Pursat provincial Governors interdepartmental Provincial Committee Disaster Management Secretariate who coordinates both capacity building, mitigation, and disaster response as well as officials in the local target Communes where the project will build capacity to engage their communities to be more resilient and reduce risks as the Communes develop plans for the future.

Specifically, the project will focus on the longer term community beneficiaries in the 5 selected communes (Snam Preas, Beungbot Kandol, Meteuk, Ou Tapoung, and Svay Donkeo ) where there is an estimated total population of 68,000 with 35,000 females. Women and children will receive the greatest long-term benefits as improved infrastructure and management plans will help families both in times of emergencies as well as in sustaining livelihoods after incidents occur.

The achievements of the proposed project outputs and outcomes are critical to long-term sustainability of future development. The project leadership will ensure that all stakeholders and key partners understand the core sustainability principles of participation and ownership, as well as ensuring that at the beneficiary level improvement methods are both understood, valued and expected from leadership.