Bid Building Announcement
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia is seeking construction contractors interested in bidding for the construction of buildings at two different schools. ADRA plans to build at two different locations.
Location 1: The Canteen building dimensions are 8 meters in width by 16 meters in length, constructed with steel and concrete. The handwashing station dimensions are 0.80 meters in width, 2.10 meters in length, and 1.50 meters in height at Kol TolTeng Primary School, Kol TolTeng Village, Santreae Commune, Phnom Krovanh District, Pursat Province.
Location 2: The handwashing station dimensions are 0.80 meters in width, 2.10 meters in length, and 1.50 meters in height at Kompeng Primary School, Kompeng Village, Progil Commune, Phnom Krovanh District, Pursat Province.
The bidding and layout details are available at the ADRA office or can be downloaded from the ADRA Cambodia Facebook page under the announcement post.
Download Bidding form: https://adracambodia.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/ពាក្យដេញថ្លៃ_Construction-bidding-Form.pdf
Download Construction layout details: https://adracambodia.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/ប្លង់គំរូ_Blue-print.pdf
Please fill out the bidding form, place it in a sealed envelope, and send it to the ADRA office at the following addresses during office hours:
- Ra Village, Ptes Prey Commune, Pursay City, Pursat Province
- House #04, Street 554, Boeung Khak I, Khan Toul kok, Phnom Penh
Interested constructors are requested to submit a bid to:
Mr. San Raksa, ADRA Cambodia, House 4, Street 554, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.
Biding through E-mail is accepted: [email protected]
Tel: Phnom Penh office 098 257 779
Pursat Office: 077 827 234 | 093 799 074 | 066 799 074
Bidding Deadline: 2 August 2024 at 5:00 pm.
Only bidding contractors will be selected.
ADRA Cambodia is an equal-opportunity organization, and selections are based on merit.
ADRA Cambodia is a Smoke-Free Child Safe and Zero tolerant to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Organization.
For more info about our program visit: www.adracambodia.org