Mrs. Peth Lun is from Mongkul Borei district, an area affected by the flood. She received a food kit from ADRA response conducted on Sunday October 25, 2020.

A 48 year old housewife of two children, it has been difficult for Mrs Peth Lun and her family to live as she has no secure job and her husband sells fish and does any odd jobs he can find. During an assessment interview, Mrs. Peth Lun told that “I sell fish and snails that my husband catches for a little money to support my family. Some days when my husband is not able to catch any fish, I don’t sell because I don’t have anything to sell. I then have to borrow money from neighbors to continue to support my family.”

Besides fishing, Lun’s husband who is 51 years old, would work as a construction worker. Mrs. Lun continued, “When the flood came, my husband was unable to go fishing as it was flooded, and the water was too much to catch any fish. He was not able to go out for work for others either.”
Mrs. Peth Lun is thankful to ADRA and the supporters for this food kit which includes rice, ramen noodles, canned fish, salt and oil. During a food distribution, Lun exclaimed, “The food kits are a necessity for our family
amid this flooding for several days before the flood goes away. Thank you so much!”