Press Release: Completion of the Pro-Market Project (2019-2023) in Pursat

Pursat, Cambodia – June 26, 2024: Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia, in partnership with the Pursat Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Commerce, held a workshop to mark the conclusion of the Pro-Market Project (2019-2023) supported by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ADRA New Zealand, and ADRA Australia. The event took place at the Pursat Provincial Department of Commerce’s meeting hall and was presided over by Mrs. Chhun Sereyroth, Director of the Provincial Department of Commerce; Mrs. Chey Channy, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture; and Mr. Mark Schwisow, ADRA Cambodia Country Director.

The workshop had two main objectives:

  • To share the results of the five-year Pro-Market Project and officially hand over the formed producer groups and value chain systems to relevant government institutions and private sector actors.
  • To brainstorm ideas for future activities aligned with the government’s agricultural strategy and updated program framework.

A total of 93 participants attended the event, including officials from the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce, district and commune agricultural officials, village and commune authorities, producer group leaders, input suppliers, produce wholesalers, and representatives from local agricultural cooperatives.

Mr. Mark Schwisow opened the workshop by welcoming participants and outlining the project’s achievements which aimed to build a sustainable and resilient rural economy for farmers in Pursat province over the past five years. He emphasized the successful collaboration with the Pursat Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Commerce, agricultural input suppliers, collectors, and the 41 producer groups across five districts: Bakan, Kandieng, Phnom Kravanh, Veal Veng, and Krakor. The project directly benefited around 1,061 farmers.

In 2023/4, the final year of the project focused on increasing community ownership and building managerial and leadership capacities among partner communities. Activities were designed to meet farmers’ needs, involving local communities in problem-solving and planning.

Mrs. Chhun Sereyroth praised ADRA’s efforts and highlighted the project’s success in enhancing agricultural techniques, marketing, and management strategies within the producer community. She expressed hope that the community will continue applying this knowledge to sustain and grow their economies. Mrs. Sereyroth noted that increased community ownership and technical abilities have led to better responses to climate change, more local employment, reduced migration, and the potential for broader replication among other farmers.

In her closing remarks, Mrs. Chey Channy commended the Pro-Market Project for its significant achievements over the past five years. She noted that the project has strengthened the technical capacity of farmers in Pursat, enhancing vegetable production and expanding market accessibility, which has greatly improved the livelihoods of rural farmers. Mrs. Channy expressed deep gratitude to ADRA Cambodia and the Government of New Zealand for their support and expressed hope that ADRA will continue to support projects that benefit poor farmers in Pursat.

ADRA Cambodia, with support from the New Zealand Government through MFAT, has successfully completed the Pro-Market Project, bringing significant benefits to farmers in Pursat. We hope ADRA will continue supporting similar projects in Pursat and across Cambodia for the benefit of rural communities.

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