Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement II (ARISE II)
Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement II (ARISE II) Project
Date: 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2024
Area: Pursat Province
Primary Project Beneficiaries: 68,000
Budget: Total 103,364.66 USD
Donors: the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ADRA Czech Republic
Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement II (ARISE II) 2024 Project is funded by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Czech Republic with support from the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With a total funds of CZK 2,303,903.12 (USD 103,364.66), ARISE II will be implemented in Pursat province of Cambodia from April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
The objectives of the project are to A) Improved DRR capacity of local leaders (Risk Management including Preparation, Response, and Restore) used in community planning by aligning with the government structure and support system in the national and sub-national manner, and B) DRR resilient infrastructure is installed to protect vulnerable populations safety and livelihood well-being.
The project works alongside ADRA Cambodia’s Best CHOICES (Best Community Household Opportunities through Improved Community Empowered Solutions) project in the western part of Cambodia. The provincial project team works with the Pursat Provincial Governor interdepartmental Provincial Committee Disaster Management Secretariate who coordinates both capacity building, mitigation, and disaster response as well as officials in the local target Communes where the project will build capacity to engage their communities to be more resilient and reduce risks as the Communes develop plans for the future.
This plan for the second year of DRR activities will focus on the longer-term community beneficiaries in the 8 selected communes (Snam Preas, Beungbot Kandol, Meteuk, Ou Tapoung, Svay Donkeo in Bakan district and Aulung Vill, Kanh Chor and Sya in Kan Dieng district) with a focus on 52 villages within the Bakan and Kandieng Districts. These communities have a population of 43,000 (20,900F; 22,100M) with over 10,800 households. Women and children will receive the greatest long-term benefits as improved infrastructure and management plans will help families both in times of emergencies as well as in sustaining livelihoods after incidents occur.
Women and Men Increased knowledge and participation in DRR program and accessible to markets and supports when needed including health services and other livelihood income generation activities. Children Increase opportunities for education and social communication and relationship wider community and health services through protected infrastructure and informed parents. Disabled persons including marginalized and vulnerable group are more opportunities to access social services and be inclusive and increased chances to gain knowledge and skills for income generation activities.
The achievements of the proposed project outputs and outcomes are critical to long-term sustainability of future development. The project leadership will ensure that all stakeholders and key partners understand the core sustainability principles of participation and ownership, as well as ensuring that at the beneficiary level improvement methods are both understood, valued and expected from leadership.
ARISE II Stories
Latest stories from ARISE project
Job Announcement: DRR Technical Officer
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia is looking for a Cambodian national to fill in the position of DRR Technical Officer to work in in coordinating capacity building and community based activities with Village, Commune, and other authorities in the Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) project based in the Pursat province.