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Latest stories from ADRA

Community Disaster Risk Reduction trainings
Through Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) Project which is funded by Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Czech Republic with support from the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Community Disaster Risk Reduction trainings

ADRA Cambodia Hosts Menstrual Hygiene Management Recognition Event
ADRA Cambodia collaborates with School Health Department of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), Preah Vihear Provincial Education Department, District Education Department and local authorities to recognize and promote “menstrual hygiene management implementation that reached as model school” while raising awareness of health, menstrual hygiene and environment.

CLEAR Project: Announcement
ADRA is pleased to announce the official launch of CoLMEAL Led Empowerment Action for Resilience (CLEAR) Project which is funded by Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Czech Republic with support from the Czech Development Agency.

Provincial DRR Feedback and Planning Forum – ARISE Project
Funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and ADRA Czech Republic, ARISE project team members, in collaboration with Pursat Provincial Committee For Disaster Management, conducted a provincial Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Feedback and Planning Forum for the implementation of the Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) project. The Feedback and Planning forum was held on June 22, 2023 at the meeting hall of Pursat

ARISE Project: Announcement
ADRA is pleased to announce the official launch of Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) Project which is funded by Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Czech Republic with support from the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Job Announcement: Part-time/contract infrastructure Engineer
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia is looking for a Cambodian national to fill in the position of part-time/contract DRR Infrastructure Engineer to work in in supporting capacity building and community based Infrastructure initiatives with Village, Commune, and other authorities in the Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) project based in the Pursat province.

ADRA Cambodia Hosted World No Tobacco Day 2023 Event
ADRA Cambodia collaborated with Preah Vihear Provincial Health Department and local authorities to promote “We Need Food, Not Tobacco” while raising awareness of nutrition, food security, early marriage, and sexual and gender-based violence.

From Job Dissatisfaction to Delivering Quality Health Care
Varin attended three trainings from the TOGETHER project. One focused on Sexual, Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender topics. Another delved into Youth Counseling Skills for Youth and Survivors of Violence and Abuse. The third training centred on Nutrition Counseling Skills and

Greater Confidence in Delivering Quality Health Care
Ms. So Sophorn was born to a rural farming family in Kompong Thom province, Cambodia. But she dreamed of doing something different with her life. Through hard work and dedication, she became a midwife.

Overcoming Discrimination to Provide Quality Health Care
His life struggles inspired him to become a nurse. He worked many jobs to support his studies. Now, at 31, Lida is married with one child and is known to be a humble and compassionate person, despite still contending with discrimination and stigma.
Today, Lida works at a local health centre, caring for…

Job Announcement: DRR Technical Officer
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Cambodia is looking for a Cambodian national to fill in the position of DRR Technical Officer to work in in coordinating capacity building and community based activities with Village, Commune, and other authorities in the Adaptive Resilient Initiative for Sustainable DRR Engagement (ARISE) project based in the Pursat province.

The vegetable producer groups from Veal Veng have gained their confidence and satisfaction.
“After receiving a series of vegetable technical trainings from Pro-Market project, I gained more confidence and started to transform the vacant land that once was left without crops to be a commercial farm which gave me higher incomes to improve my family’s living standards…